Under Centuria’s management, Asset Plus has focused on a Yield Plus Growth investment strategy, targeting long term total returns that are greater than the benchmark return threshold detailed by the NZX Property Sector Index through value add and active management initiatives.
Centuria externally manage Asset Plus, report to the Asset Plus Board and provide shared service functions. Centuria are also the largest shareholder in Asset Plus, with a 19.99% stake in the company ensuring a vested interest in the performance of the company, and alignment of interest between management and shareholders.
Since taking over management of Asset Plus in 2018 (formerly NPT) Centuria divested all non-core assets and secured a material value add opportunity in the Munroe Lane development which was successfully completed in mid-2023. The 35 Graham Street property was also acquired for a transformative development however the change in market conditions has now led to an unconditional sale with settlement in November 2024.